
Modules & their Components

As you progress through the online coaching content, you will notice themes occurring in each of the modules. Each core coaching module will typically contain the following sections:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Learning Outcomes.
  3. Key Concepts and Content.
  4. Review and Key Learnings.
  5. Reflection Questions.
  6. Quiz.

Note: There are variations to each module depending on the content and practical application. Regardless, all the sections above will be covered in our live coaching sessions.


The purpose of the introduction is to highlight the concept. Some of these concepts maybe familiar, or you may already even do as a part of your leadership practice.

In the introduction we will also discuss WHY this is important and the purpose behind the concept or principle we are covering.

Learning Outcomes

We will introduce you to the learning outcomes we are aiming to create from the module. These learning outcomes may come in the form of "aha" moments you have, key points you can relate to, or information and concepts that confirms you are on the right path.

Key Concepts

Our aim is to break down each of the components into greater detail and then help you put it back together again and see how it inter-relates. The purpose of the content, is not to create information overload, as we believe much of what we cover is not new. It is designed to help you apply the concepts, and develop habits to apply them more regularly.

Review and Key Learnings

At the end of each module we will take a quick look back at the key concepts and take time to reflect.

Reflection Questions

The Purpose of Reflection

The purpose of reflection questions, is to provide you the opportunity to stop and consider what you are currently doing and how you could do that more effectively, if you chose to, in the future.

Reflection is a process of exploring and examining ourselves, our experiences, attributes, attitudes, actions, and interactions. It helps us gain insight and build awareness.

We encourage you to put some time aside at the end of each module, to reflect on the content and the questions asked.

How To Reflect Effectively

This may sound like an unusual heading "how to reflect effectively". The reality is that not all reflection time is helpful or equal in its use. We have met many people who think reflecting is about going over past situations and their actions, getting stuck in their heads over-analyzing, continually replaying, and self-sabotaging themselves. We call this beating yourself up, more than effective reflection.

Helpful reflection has specific components to it that enable you to move forward in healthy and effective ways. So let's explore those now.

  1. Look back and reflect on your experience. Think about what you did, thought, and felt at the time.
  2. Reflect on what you learned from the situation or experience. Analyze this and compare it to the methods, models, principles, and values you want to follow. Ask questions such as, what can I learn from this moving forward? What can I do differently? What could be even more effective? What did I do well? What would I do again?
  3. Reflect on how you can apply your learning to your coaching and leadership practice. Ask and answer questions such as, how can I ensure I apply this moving forward? What specifically, do I intend to do based on my reflection?


Some modules will have a quiz on the information and content covered. You will be required to get an 80% score to move on to the next module. The quiz is designed to highlight and reinforce learnings in areas that will test your prior thinking around behaviors, feedback and performance.

If you do not get 80%, you will simply be redirected to repeat the quiz. Take your time and think each question through...

Don't worry, you will do well!

Complete and Continue