Introduction & Learning Outcomes
Adopting and following systems (or processes) that allow you to regularly and consistently connect with your people is critically important. We strongly recommend that you have systems in place to intentionally or deliberately do this with your direct reports and their teams. It is important to have systems in place to coach effectively. Tracking your coaching rhythm and measuring your coaching effectiveness, ensures you will improve and not slip back into transactional leadership habits.
Why? Because systems go a significant way to creating success. Systems are a critically important piece of the jigsaw puzzle when it comes to creating high-performance environments and to your success as a people leader and high-performance coach.
Without systems, you are relying on hope and ineffective learned habits to create high-performance. In our 22+ years of working in this field, we have never seen high-performance environments created, sustained or maintained based on hope or ineffective learned habits.
If you have ever flown in a plane or had some type of surgical operation both the pilots and the surgical team have a system that they follow. For example, one of the systems for a pilot and co-pilot is a checklist they go through and mark off pre-flight to ensure all safety precautions have been completed. As a result of this, you successfully and safely land at your chosen destination. A surgeon will follow a system or procedure when they perform an operation. Why? Because the likelihood of success is significantly increased. Systems are all around us and create success and safety. They are there to ensure we are DOING the right things at the right time.
Most, if not all of us understand this. However, we often experience managers that go to work everyday and don't follow some kind of leadership system. They follow the principle of default leadership specifically, "I will lead the same as I did yesterday" and "I will react to the environment and events around me". We know this approach is not only haphazard but also a recipe for disaster.
When we don't have leadership systems to follow, we lack the accountability required to execute. It is all too easy to become busy, transactional with the unintended consequence of ignoring your people. Leaders and coaches who have busy "reactive" environments fail to create high-performing individuals, teams and cultures.
While systems cannot guarantee 100% success, they definitely increase the likelihood of sustainable success. Especially, if those systems are based on well-researched practice and science. The techniques of our high-performance coaching system are based on well-established principles of behavior, resulting from over 90 years of scientific research and approximately 60 years of combined practical experience.
You may already have some systems in place and simply not refer to these as systems. If this is the case, we want to help you refine those to be even more effective and helpful. You may also have never thought about the idea of having "people systems" and if this is the case we want to help you develop and test systems that will work for you and for your people.
Learning Outcomes
In this module we will cover:
- Why systems are important to your success as a leader and high-performance coach.
- What you are relying on without systems in place and how this leads to focusing on the wrong things.
- What systems we recommend you begin to develop and think about for building high-performance environments.
- The 7 Disciplines of High-Performance Leadership Coaching.
- The 3 Major Components of the StellaHP Coaching System.